Venice never quite seems real, but rather an ornate film set suspended on the water

Upon leaving Rome, we left the sun behind got our feet wet on our sightseeing stop for the day – Verona, famou for being home of Romeo and Juliet. When we arrived in town, we saw the arena, which is similar to the Colosseum but smaller. Unlike the Colosseum, the arena is still used today to host concerts and similar events. Heading into town we ended up at Juliet’s balcony where there is also a bronze statue of Juliet herself. Legend says that if a person is to rub Juliet’s right breast, that person should have good fortune and become lucky in love. Along the walls leading into Juliet’s balcony people have their’s and their lovers names, signifying their everlasting love.

Leaving Juliet’s balcony, we headed back through town, stopping to look in a Disney store on the way past. We also stopped at a gelato store where they had special flavours dedicated to the star-crossed lovers. I tried their ‘Romeo’ flavour which was chocolate with wafer biscuits through it – very yummy. We then got back on the bus and continued onto Venice.

For our full day in Venice the skies were still a bit grey but fortunately the rain held off for most of the day.



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